New Census Tract Studies Available From All the Local Health Councils
If your organization requires detailed information at the census tract level for planning or grants, contact the local health council that serves your area. All the councils have recently
purchased new software to enable access to this detailed data. (posted 2/6/23)
Local Health Councils Provide Planning Tools and Consulting
We help you from project beginning to end:
Prepare to learn.
i. Facilitation outlines
ii. Survey design and analysis
iii. Project planning
Identify needs and opportunities.
Focus groups
Mail, electronic, and telephone surveys
Primary and secondary data collection
Town hall meetings
Determine what the data reveals.
Qualitative data analysis
Quantitative data analysis
Geospatial analysis of health factors and outcomes
Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping
Implement based on knowledge.
Strategic plans
Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA)
Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)
Program evaluations
Health Impact Assessment (HIA)
Health and Built Environment Consultation
Health in all Policies Consultation
Hospital and Nursing Home Utilization Data Reports
Community engagement plans
Protocol for Assessing Community Excellence in Environmental Health (PACE-EH)
Mobilization for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP)